Stock Information

As of December 31, 2023

Stock exchange listings.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Stock Code
January 26, 1951
Total Number of Authorized Shares
Shares Issued and Outstanding
(Note) The number of shares shown above does not include 285,565 shares of treasury stock that were held as of December 31, 2023.
Number of Shareholders
Fiscal Year-end
General Meeting of Shareholders
Record Dates
Date of resolution of meeting of shareholders: December 31
Year-end dividend: December 31
Interim dividend: June 30
Announcements will be made whenever the need arises.
Method of Public Announcement
Electronic announcement
However, announcements will be placed in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun in cases where it is not possible to make an electronic announcement.
Minimum Trading Unit

Major Shareholders (Top 10)

Name Number of Shares Held
Shareholding ratio
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 9,786 10.86
Kitazawa-kai Stock Ownership Plan 5,134 5.70
Nippon Life Insurance Company 4,303 4.78
Sumitomo Life Insurance Company 3,448 3.83
Kitazawa Ikueikai Foundation 3,411 3.79
KITZ Corporation Trading Partner Stock Ownership Plan 3,287 3.65
The Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. 2,596 2.88
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 2,553 2.83
KITZ Corporation Employee Stock Ownership Plan 2,105 2.34
Secom General Insurance Co., Ltd. 1,702 1.89

The Company held 285 thousand shares of treasury stock as of December 31, 2023. The total number of shares used to calculate the holding ratio does not include treasury stock. The Company has adopted a BIP trust, and the Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. holds 396 thousand shares in the trust. These 396 thousand shares are not included in the concerned treasury stock. The above number of shares held includes shares associated with trust operations as follows:
・The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.: 9,786 thousand shares
・Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.: 2,596 thousand shares
The number of shares held by Sumitomo Life Insurance Company includes 6 thousand shares in the variable insurance account and 32 thousand shares in the separate account.

Composition of Shareholders

Distribution of owners by gender

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