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- Sustainability
- Social
Respect for Human Rights
This section introduces KITZ Group’s approach to respect for human rights, the Code of Conduct, and Structure for promoting respect and initiatives.
Supports for Diverse Workforce
This section introduces our Basic concept and ideal vision regarding human-resources deveropment, Declaration on DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) by our top management, our DE&I Policy, and promotion of allyship. In addition, we will introduce the Key issues, KPIs and initiatives for our diverse workforce to play an active role.
Health management initiatives and Occupational health and safety
As for health management, we will introduce KITZ Group Health Management Statement, policy,promotion structure, and Recognition as a Health and productivity Management Outstanding Organization and their initiatives.
Regarding occupational health and safety, we will introduce our fundamental philosophy, fundamental policy, promotion structure, and activities. -
Supply chain management
This section introduces procurement policies, supplier guidelines, green procurement, and supplier due diligence.
Social Contribution Activities
This section introduces the Basic Policy for Social Contribution Activities, the Action Guidelines, Priority fields and areas of activities, and the Medium-Term Activity Policy.
- Message from the Executive Officer in Charge of Sustainability
- Sustainability of KITZ Group
- Environment
- Social
- Governance
- Technology for Sustainable
Growth・Intellectual property
strategy - Quality Improvement
(Quality Assurance) - Stakeholder Engagement
- Sustainability Finance
- Integrated Report
- ESG Data-sheet
Contact us
For inquiries about product technology, product purchases,
catalogs, and quality