Social Contribution Activities

Basic Policy on Social Contribution Activities

As a good corporate citizen, the KITZ Group values communication with society and declares its commitment to contribute to building a more enriched society by striving proactively to coexist with our local communities and to protect the global environment.

Action Guidelines on Social Contribution Activities

The KITZ Group autonomously and continuously advances social contribution activities that reflect the essence of KITZ.

1. Building a corporate culture in which employees play active roles

2. Building stronger relationships with local communities

3. Striving to build agreeable environments for people

4. Disclosing information and being accountable

Priority fields and areas of activities

We designate “Stimulating local economies” , “Contributing to global society” , “Conserving regional environments” and “Promoting local culture” as priority fields and areas, and will promote various activities.

Priority fields and areas of activities

Medium-Term Action Policy on Social Contribution Activities (FY 2022-2024)

1. We will deploy global and local activities from the perspective of supporting the development of the next generation.

2. We will deploy activities aiming to protect the global environment.

3. We will plan and implement support programs to enable employees actively to take part in social contribution activities.

Main activity items: FY 2024 results and targets

Main activity item FY 2021 results FY 2022 results FY 2023 results Issues Target

Table For Two programSupporting school lunch programs in developing countries through donations to the nonprofit Table For Two International, included in the price of healthy menu items on employee dining hall menus.

62,444 meals

79,835 mesls

83,936 mesls

Enhancing internal publicity efforts, revising menu items, and increasing the number of meals

Increasing the number of meals in FY 2024 by 3% from FY 2023※

Eco-cap activitiesCollecting the caps from recyclable PET plastic bottles and donating the gains from selling them to help pay for vaccines to inoculate children in aid-recipient countries, through the nonprofit Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children.

(Number of caps collected)115,000

(Number of caps collected)140,000

(Number of caps collected)106,000

Enhancing internal publicity efforts and continuing these activities

Collecting empty contact-lens casesWe collect empty contact-lens cases and recycle them through Hoya Corporation for sale as polypropylene material, donating the proceeds to the nonprofit Japan Eye Bank Association.

(Weight of empty cases collected)11.1kg

(Weight of empty cases collected)15.79kg

(Weight of empty cases collected)13.77kg

Enhancing internal publicity efforts and continuing these activities

Employee participation in social contribution activities

(Total number of participants)123 persons

(Total number of participants)349 persons

(Total number of participants)521 persons

Enhancing internal publicity efforts and increasing numbers of participants through planning social contribution activities that are easy for employees to participate in

Increasing the total number of participating employees in FY 2024 by 3% from FY 2023

※As for TABLE FOR TWO activities, the initial target for FY2024 (3% increase over FY2021 results) was achieved in FY2023 results, and the target values are being revised .

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