Terms of Use
This website (hereinafter “Site”) is operated and managed by KITZ Corporation (hereinafter “KITZ”). You are requested to consent to the following Terms and Conditions before using this Site.
Your use of this Site shall be regarded as your consent to all of the following Terms and Conditions.
Terms and Conditions
1. Copyright, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights
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2. Operation of this Site
Please note that KITZ may at any time, modify, delete, or otherwise alter the Information on this Site and the Site’s URL, or suspend or close the Site itself, in whole or in part, without prior notice.
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KITZ makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to the reliability, accuracy, usability, completeness, timeliness, security (including freedom from computer viruses or other harmful content), fitness for a particular purpose, or freedom from infringement on the rights of third parties of the Information on this Site. KITZ shall not be liable for any damages arising from any Information on this Site, use of this Site, or any other similar cause. This Site may include the Information on products and services that are not available in all countries or regions. Inclusion of such information does not necessarily indicate the intent to provide such products and services in all countries or regions.
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To avoid incidents such as problems and misunderstandings related to patents and other intellectual property rights, KITZ does not accept proposals other than those listed below:
- ・Technical proposals concerning patents and designs registered as industrial property rights
- ・Technical proposals concerning utility models to which Utility Model Technical Opinion (registrability report) issued by the Japan Patent Office are attached, in which 6. “No prior art found.” is shown as the result of an assessment.
- ・Technical proposals concerning patents and designs protected under foreign industrial property rights
- ・Proposals made in response to requests for proposals by KITZ
Except as specially agreed to, KITZ is under no obligations regarding any proposals submitted, including obligations to consider such proposals, to report on the results of such consideration, to maintain their confidentiality, or to pay any consideration for them.
5. Insider trading
Please note that the Information on this Site may constitute “material facts” provided in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
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KITZ may include on this Site any Information and other content concerning the future businesses and the business results of KITZ, its affiliates, and other parties. Such Information is not intended to encourage investment. You are requested to make investment decisions based on your own responsibility and judgment.
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If you desire to link to this Site, please first be sure to understand and consent to the terms and conditions below and contact e-mail address (k-kouhou@kitz.co.jp). KITZ will consider whether to permit linking and inform you of its decision.
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- ①Duplication, alteration or citation, etc. of this Site or any Information on this Site without the prior consent of KITZ
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- ・Content that is contrary to public order and decency
- ・Content that violates laws, regulations or these Terms and Conditions
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- (7) KITZ shall not be liable for any damage suffered by you as a result of any modification, deletion, or otherwise alteration of the Information on this Site or the Site’s URL, or any suspension or closing of the Site itself, in whole or in part, pursuant to 2 “Operation of this Site” above.
- (8) In any of the following cases, you must immediately cease linking to this Site and may not file any related objections to KITZ.
- ①KITZ has determined that you has violated any of these Terms and Conditions.
- ②KITZ has determined that the information of which you notified KITZ through the e-mail address (k-kouhou@kitz.co.jp) when requesting permission to link to this Site contained false information.
- ③KITZ has requested that you cease linking to this Site as it deems necessary for any other reason.
8. Prohibitions
The following acts are prohibited in using this Site:
- (1) Duplicating the Site or the Information on the Site in whole or in part
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- (10) Acts in violation of laws, regulations, or ordinances
- (11) Acts contrary to public order and decency
- (12) Other acts judged by KITZ to be inappropriate
9. Governing laws and Jurisdiction
Use of this Site and these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for any disputes regarding use of this Site and these Terms and Conditions.
10. Amendment of the “Terms of Use”
KITZ may amend the content of this “Terms of Use” without prior notice. You are requested to check the latest content of this “Terms of Use”.
11. Genuineness of websites
The official websites of KITZ and KITZ Group companies are shown below. Operation of websites posing as those of KITZ or KITZ Group companies is prohibited, and you are requested to beware of similar websites.
- KITZ Corporationhttps://www.kitz.com/en/
- Toyo Valve Brand Sitehttps://www.toyovalve.co.jp/en/
- Shimizu Alloy Mfg. Co., Ltd.https://www.shimizugokin.co.jp
- KITZ SCT Corporationhttps://en.kitzsct.com/
- YKV Corporationhttps://www.kitz.co.jp/ykv/
- KITZ Engineering Service Co., Ltd.https://www.kesco.jp
- KITZ Micro Filter Corporationhttps://www.kitzmf.com/english/
- KITZ Metal Works Corporationhttps://www.kitzmetalworks.com/english/index.html
- Hokutoh Giken Kogyo Corporationhttps://hokutohgiken.co.jp
- Hotel Beniya Co., Ltd.https://hotel-beniya.co.jp/en
- Cephas Pipelines Corp.http://www.cephasvalve.com
- Filcore Co., Ltd.http://www.filcore.co.kr
- KITZ Corporation of Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.https://kitzasiapacific.com
- KITZ Valve & Actuation Singapore Pte. Ltd.https://kitz-kvs.com.sg
- KITZ Valve & Actuation (Thailand) Co., Ltd.https://www.kitz-kvt.com
- KITZ Valve & Actuation (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.https://kitz-kvm.com
- KITZ Valve & Actuation Vietnam Co., Ltd.https://kitz-kvv.com
- KITZ Corporation of Shanghaihttp://www.kitzchina.com
- Micro Pneumatics Pvt. Ltd.https://www.micropneumatics.in
- KITZ Corporation of Americahttps://kitzus-kca.com
- KITZ SCT America Corporationhttps://www.kitzsctamerica.com
- Metalúrgica Golden Art’s Ltda.https://www.mga.com.br
- KITZ Corporation of Europe, S.A.https://kitzeurope.com
- Perrin GmbHhttps://www.perrin.de
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