Medium-term Management Plan
In February 2022, we formulated the First Medium-term Management Plan 2024 (FY2022-2024) to achieve our Long-term Management Vision.

Medium-term Management Plan 2024 (FY2022-2024)
Results and Numerical Targets (Revised in February 2024)

Valve Manufacturing Business
At our mainstay valve manufacturing business, we categorize the businesses in which the KITZ Group excels, building & facilities, petrochemicals, water treatment, and machinery & equipment as core businesses. We will further enhance the infrastructure of these businesses and lay solid foundations. At the same time, we categorize semiconductor equipment, semiconductor materials (filters), fine chemicals, and hydrogen & clean energy as medium- to long-term target markets and will actively invest resources to transform our earnings structure.

Brass Bar Manufacturing Business
Despite the shrinking trend in existing areas, we will increase profitability by cultivating growth fields (automobiles, semiconductors, etc.), capturing demand for processed products in line with the change in supply chain, and continuing cost reductions.
Key Measures
Enter and expand sales in growth fieldsAutomobiles, construction and heavy machinery, semiconductors, etc.
Approaches to secondary and tertiary processingForging, cutting, brazing
Reduce manufacturing costs and promote recycling
Improving business efficiency through DX, etc.
Others (Service Business: Hotel Beniya)
To secure profits amid the pandemic, we shift our sales policy to target individual customers and business areas in neighboring prefectures. Using the opportunity of the changing business environment, we will fundamentally reform and establish service productivity.
Key Measures
Enhance service value of focusing on individual guestsRenewal of upper floor Japanese style rooms into modern Japanese rooms Increase in the percentage of plans that include dinner
Developing multi-skilled workersImproving labor productivity through the internalization of outsourcing services Skill management/ meister system/ short-term transfers in off-seasons
Strengthening of easily accessible facilities
Financial Strategy