
KITZ Group Environmental Policy
・Long-term environmental visionWe are promoting initiatives aimed at achieving “NET Zero CO₂, emissions”, “Zero environmental impact,” and “Zero risk” as Mid-and Long-term Environmental Goals.
Environmental management system
We have introduced an environmental management system and are promoting initiatives to achieve the targets set by KITZ Group business sites.
Environmental accounting
We promote environmental conservation efforts by using an environmental accounting system to identify and evaluate the “cost” and “effect” of environmental conservation.
Environmentally friendly
products and servicesWe followed the environmental development policy and guidelines for environmental impact reduction, and we are now working to develop products with low environmental impact based on a medium to long-term perspective.
Responding to Climate-Change
(Disclosures in Accordance with TCFD)We identifies risks and opportunities related to climate change and promotes their disclosure based on TCFD recommendations.
Saving resources
Utilizing the recycling expertise we have been working on over many years, We make effective use of resources generated from the manufacturing process.
Waste Management
We are working for prevent waste risks.
Proper control and reduction
of chemical substancesWe are striving to reduce risks by making products more environmentally conscious and reducing their environmental impact.
Business Operations and Environmental Impact
(Material Balance)We quantitatively assess the amount of energy and raw materials used in our business activities and the substances that have an impact on the environment that accompany those activities, and promote improvement activities.
Actions against environmental risks
Strengthening the management system reduces environmental risks and prevents environmental pollution.
Green Logistics
We are working to reduce CO₂ emissions and packing materials in logistics.
Data by Group Company
This section introduces the environmental data and major activities of Group companies.
Contact us
For inquiries about product technology, product purchases,
catalogs, and quality