Sustainability Management
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Basic Policy and Slogan on Sustainability
The KITZ Group has promoted sustainability management to realize”KITZ’ Statement of Corporate Mission”,and our Long-term Management Vision “Beyond New Heights 2030-Change the Flow” which expresses the KITZ Group’s corporate philosophy. Under the KITZ Group Long-term Management Vision , all employees will work together in practicing sustainability management as the core of our management strategy. As the roadmap for doing so, the Basic Policy on Sustainability was formulated and approved by the Board of Directors in December 2021.
Basic Policy on Sustainability
To realize”KITZ’ Statement of Corporate Mission”, which expresses the KITZ Group’s corporate philosophy, we will work toward the following:
- 1. Strive to increase both corporate value and social value by delivering solutions to social challenges through our businesses
- 2. Be an enterprise that deserves society’s trust, through realizing efficient, fair, and transparent, highly ethical corporate management
- 3. Build unshakeable relations of trust through dialogue with all stakeholders
Slogan on Sustainability
The Slogan on Sustainability is a guidepost for all KITZ Group employees to realize the Basic Policy on Sustainability.
Create the Future /
Preserve the Future
- Create the Future
The KITZ Group will act and take on challenges without fear of change and create a new future aimed at realizing a recycling-based society which is friendly to the earth and people.
- Preserve the Future
The KITZ Group will continuously protect the earth’s finite resources and people’s lives and will work to realize a society in which we can preserve things for the next generation.
Structure to promote Sustainability management
Sustainability Promotion Structure
To drive the implementation of unified sustainability management across the Group, KITZ has established the Sustainability Promotion Office under the Corporate Planning Division and has also formed the Sustainability Committee. The committee is chaired by the Director, Representative Executive Officer, and President and vice-chaired by the manager of the Corporate Planning Division, with members comprising senior executive officers, executive officers, and the presidents of KITZ Group companies.
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee promotes sustainability management within the Group and advances corporate activities that aim to solve environmental and social issues to help realize a sustainable society. The committee also has the mission of playing a leading role in achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value in the medium to long-term for the KITZ Group.
Themes discussed in committee meetings |
Frequency of meetings |
Regular meetings: once a year |
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