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KITZ, the professionals
in Fluid Flow Control
– Ceaseless Effort
in Dedication to Quality

Everything we do is for “higher quality”
Toshio Kitazawa founded the Kitazawa Factory (currently KITZ Corporation) in 1951 at a time when Japan was changing over from the chaotic aftermath of the postwar era to the approaching era of high growth. With its head office in Tokyo and a factory in Nagasaka, Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan, the new company began manufacturing bronze valves.
Toshio Kitazawa’s founding principle was “Manufacture better products at lower cost and with timely delivery.” Guided by this principle, the Company positioned integrated production as the basis of its operations and started its own foundry for copper alloy castings, the basic material of valves. Because castings need sophisticated manufacturing technologies and large-scale facilities, even in today’s valve industry there are very few manufacturers that produce their own castings.
We also built a system that carries out all production processes under the same roof, from casting through machining, assembly, testing, inspection, coating and shipment with finely tuned after-sales follow-up based on a sales network covering Japan as a whole and solutions that address problems. This structure has enabled us to achieve prominent management quality through outstanding technological competence, cost competitiveness and timely delivery. Our insistence on “higher quality” has been upheld and passed down as the headstream of all the KITZ Group’s activities.

One of the world’s leading all-round valve manufacturers
Valves are used to control the flow of water, air, gas, petroleum and many other fluids to maintain our daily lives and support industries around the globe. Our valves are often set in locations that are out of sight. These locations include places where water continually flows, ranging from water purification plants to domestic or industrial plumbing and sewage treatment systems; office buildings and hotels, where operation of ventilation and air conditioning systems is essential; and hydrocarbon industries such as oil and gas production and transportation facilities, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants and power generation plants, just to name a few.
The KITZ Group has grown to become one of the world’s pre-eminent corporate groups in the valve industry, building up a solid position as an all-round valve manufacturer that provides a wide variety of fluid flow control devices. Many valve manufacturers work only for a specialized product range or limit the kind of valve materials to just a few. In contrast, the KITZ Group handles more than 90,000 types of valves and other fluid flow control devices that are available in diversified designs and made of many kinds of material including copper alloy, iron, ductile iron, carbon steel, low-to-high alloy steel and stainless steel ranging from austenitic stainless steel to super duplex stainless steel.
Increasing earning power through Group synergy
Besides the internationally recognized KITZ brand, the KITZ Group also possesses numerous brands that feature unique technologies, know-how and products that offer a total solution to diversified customer needs. While each group operation offers its own distinctive brand and products, we also work as a group to provide our customers with products, technologies and services offered by the group member companies in a package to maximize the synergy effect while increasing earning power.
Toward realizing the KITZ’ Statement of Corporate Mission
On the occasion of our 70th anniversary in 2021, we decided to revise our Corporate Philosophy, the KITZ’ Statement of Corporate Mission. The new KITZ’ Statement of Corporate Mission incorporates our strong desire to continue supporting social infrastructure by further refining the fluid control technologies and materials development that we have cultivated since our founding.
In February 2022, we unveiled our Long-term Management Vision “Beyond New Heights 2030 – Change the Flow”. Amid a social environment changing with dizzying speed, we strive to realize the KITZ’ Statement of Corporate Mission, while strengthening the foundations of core businesses, we have identified “digitalization” as an essential element in improving the efficiency of energy usage and “decarbonization” as the key to achieving carbon neutrality. Embracing these keywords, we aim to accelerate our entry into growth businesses without fear of the risks, and engage in ambidextrous management that shifts the business domains in which we operate.
In order to “change the flow,” we must effect significant reforms, both at the company level and the level of individual employees. We will boldly move forward with a quick and decisive ability to take action, further evolve KITZ’ strength in fluid control technologies and take on new and ambitious challenges in the lead up to 2030.
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